Twister: Another Example of Simple Innovation
Hi there,
It's been a month since I made an entry into this blog.
I apologise for the sporadic nature of my entries. My excuse is the end of the year festivities.
I've been very busy doing other stuff, including housework (I'm renovating the second bathroom), travelling in a weekend cruise, and writing content for a website of mine about low fat recipes (
Anyhow, life goes on, and I'm back now to talk about my favourite board games....
Today, I want to talk about Twister.
Twister was a 60s baby. According to Kaye, some small company sold it to Milton Bradley, who were looking for a game to raise their game making profile. With a significant amount of exposure, Milton Bradley made a killing in the 70s selling the game.
If you have never played Twister, you have missed on a lot of fun.
The concept of the game is not difficult to explain, but one can understand it better if one sees it being played... or even better, if you play it yourself.
A plastic mat has severeal coloured circles (blue, red, yellow and green). Two players get on the mat, and a third person spins an arrow on a wheel, and tells the players where they have to place one of their limbs (hand, foot, right, left) and on what colour.
As players play, they adopt gravity defying positions, and the one who can comply with the commands without collapsing is the winner of the round/match.
If you are not keen on human contact, you may not like this game. Kiddies like it, and so do teenangers (especially when a game involves people of the opposite sex!).
My first encounter with Twister happened about 17 years ago here in Australia. A friend of mine introduced me to the game and, I must admit, I was hooked on it for a while.
The only difficulty with this game is that you always have to find a willing playing partner. Unlike many other boardgames that have been emulated in video game versions, Twister cannot really be played by yourself (unless you use it as a yoga training mat and practice difficult yoga positions!).
Yet, Twister is easy to store, and in a rainy day when the kids are restless, I have been able to pull out Twister and get the kids having fun for an hour or so in the house.
Once it is out of the box, it seems to be an irresistible game.
It's been a month since I made an entry into this blog.
I apologise for the sporadic nature of my entries. My excuse is the end of the year festivities.
I've been very busy doing other stuff, including housework (I'm renovating the second bathroom), travelling in a weekend cruise, and writing content for a website of mine about low fat recipes (
Anyhow, life goes on, and I'm back now to talk about my favourite board games....
Today, I want to talk about Twister.
Twister was a 60s baby. According to Kaye, some small company sold it to Milton Bradley, who were looking for a game to raise their game making profile. With a significant amount of exposure, Milton Bradley made a killing in the 70s selling the game.
If you have never played Twister, you have missed on a lot of fun.
The concept of the game is not difficult to explain, but one can understand it better if one sees it being played... or even better, if you play it yourself.
A plastic mat has severeal coloured circles (blue, red, yellow and green). Two players get on the mat, and a third person spins an arrow on a wheel, and tells the players where they have to place one of their limbs (hand, foot, right, left) and on what colour.
As players play, they adopt gravity defying positions, and the one who can comply with the commands without collapsing is the winner of the round/match.
If you are not keen on human contact, you may not like this game. Kiddies like it, and so do teenangers (especially when a game involves people of the opposite sex!).
My first encounter with Twister happened about 17 years ago here in Australia. A friend of mine introduced me to the game and, I must admit, I was hooked on it for a while.
The only difficulty with this game is that you always have to find a willing playing partner. Unlike many other boardgames that have been emulated in video game versions, Twister cannot really be played by yourself (unless you use it as a yoga training mat and practice difficult yoga positions!).
Yet, Twister is easy to store, and in a rainy day when the kids are restless, I have been able to pull out Twister and get the kids having fun for an hour or so in the house.
Once it is out of the box, it seems to be an irresistible game.

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