The Game of Politics
G'day to ye all!
I was doing a bit of a random search for old games the other day, when I came across a Parker Brother's game called "The Game of Politics", which subtitle invites you to "Elect Yourself as President".

This game has a large board (17"x 29 1/2" when open) of the U.S. and asks "Can You Elect Yourself President of the United States?" The game is dated Copyright 1935 Parker Brothers, Oswald B. Lord, and it was made in the USA.
This are images of the cards and money used in the game:

For information and rules of this game, you can click on this link, which will open another window to a website with that information.
Yours in Fun,
=*= =*= =*=
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I was doing a bit of a random search for old games the other day, when I came across a Parker Brother's game called "The Game of Politics", which subtitle invites you to "Elect Yourself as President".

This game has a large board (17"x 29 1/2" when open) of the U.S. and asks "Can You Elect Yourself President of the United States?" The game is dated Copyright 1935 Parker Brothers, Oswald B. Lord, and it was made in the USA.
This are images of the cards and money used in the game:

For information and rules of this game, you can click on this link, which will open another window to a website with that information.
Yours in Fun,
=*= =*= =*=
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